For the Society Fit for Each Person
TOP > Message from the Representative Director

Message from the Representative Director

Nen HATANAKA Foundation President

Until recently our legal status was as a “specified non-profit corporation,” but with the increase in people earning qualifications and the growing number of companies utilizing qualified personnel, we felt a greater obligation to society and began pursuing structural reorganization and raising staff awareness. Working with our qualification holders, we reviewed ways to expand our contribution to society. The answer was to become a “public interest incorporated association,” a type of non-profit organization for which we received authorization from the Prime Minister of Japan in December 2013.

We are preparing for the changes in the social environment that will accompany the rapidly aging population. Our aim is to improve the quality of people's lives, and to do that we engage in educational activities and offer many opportunities to put that training into practice. In such ways we hope to enrich society through cooperation so that everyone can lead fuller lives.

The Nippon Care-Fit Education Institute is ready to embark on a new journey, and we are grateful to everyone who has made it possible. We look forward to your continued support and guidance in the future.

Nen Hatanaka, Representative Director

Note: “Education” expresses our concept of “learning and growing together.”

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